Taking the sting out of your arm

Securing your cargo and providing peace of mind throughout your journey

Our Products

Waimea Engineering has developed new technology under the WASP brand that removes the driver from the hazards of throwing chains over their load, allowing for heavier chains to be used. The benefits of this are not just related to health and safety and the reduction in shoulder injuries, but also making the job easier and less physically demanding for the driver.

Chain Thrower


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outstanding results and nothing but praise from our operators

The products being produced today were driven by continuous injuries from throwing and tensioning chains, resulting in extensive time off and in some cases premature retirement from log truck driving. The first prototypes were started back in 2015 and have been refined into the products being tested in our fleet today with outstanding results and nothing but praise from our operators.

Peter McIntyre

You know an invention has it nailed when the old way instantly looks archaic

You know an invention has it nailed when the old way instantly looks archaic. And that is exactly what we felt watching Tania throw the chains for the trailer. Something utterly familiar three minutes prior… yet it looked a cumbersome historic act.

Dave McCoid

Video Testimonial - Tania Buschl, Waimea Contract Carriers